Are You Wondering If God Is Calling You To The Ministry?

Pastoral ministry is established by God so we should look to Him to provide the necessary men to pastor His people. But we also need to realize that God doesn’t call, gift and qualified every man for pastoral ministry. The only way we can really know if we’re called is to find out what the Bible says are legitimate motives and qualifications for the ministry and then be willing to honestly evaluate ourselves and subject ourselves to the evaluation of the church. These course lectures will help you discover what a legitimate call looks like and they will provide you with solid teaching on the subject of ministry. To be honest I wish I had heard these sooner. My prayer is that God would use these lectures to either encourage you or discourage you from pursuing the pastoral ministry. For those whom God does encourage, thank God that he is preparing you to faithfully shepherd His people. And for those to whom God discourages, thank God for revealing this to you sooner rather than later. May God protect His people from His people by a proper understanding of His calling.

I suggest listening to these lectures in the order listed below. All the audio files are compressed in a single .zip file. If you are unable to access these files because you don’t have the Winzip program you can download the program here.

Dave Harvey
Albert Martin
Joel R. Beeke